An Independent Voice. A Better Choice.

“For too long, we’ve had politicians who care more about themselves than the people they represent. In order for our community to thrive, we need serious people who understand that public service means putting the public first. We need people who reflect the values we try to instill in our children. We need people who understand the challenges of balancing work and family, and the struggles of paying a mortgage, property taxes, and unforeseen medical bills.
“I ran for office eight years ago because I knew we needed a strong, independent voice who would stand up for the values of our community. I’ve passed legislation to hold corrupt officials accountable and to increase transparency in government. I’ve fought to fund our schools, help small businesses thrive, improve public safety, support working-class families, and expand access to affordable health care.
“I’m running for re-election to build on those successes, and to ensure that our community remains a great place to live, work, and raise our children.”