How Monica Wallace has supported small businesses and our local economy:
Helping Employers Attract Skilled Workers
Secured massive investments in workforce development programs to help workers gain the skills employers need.
Created a tax credit to help employers create or expand childcare slots for their employees.
Reauthorized funding for sites to attract high-tech manufacturers in order to create jobs and grow our local economy.
Lowering Cost of Doing Business
Advocating for legislation to cut the corporate franchise tax rate to zero for all manufacturers in New York.
Passed a law to let small businesses avoid fines for a violation of a state agency’s rule or regulation, by giving the business an opportunity to cure the violation.
Sponsored legislation to freeze unemployment insurance rates paid by businesses.
Advocated for and helped pass the $800 million Pandemic Small Business Relief Grant Program and $250 million in tax credits for COVID-related expenses incurred by small businesses.
Improving Fairness for Small Businesses
Co-sponsored and helped pass “right to repair” legislation requiring electronics manufactures to make diagnostic and repair information available to third party repairers, which provides new business for small, independently-owned repair shops.
“Small businesses are the heart of our community and the backbone of our economy. I’ve used my position to support assistance programs to help small businesses weather the pandemic. Now that our economy is again thriving, I’m working to help address the needs of small businesses, including workforce development, expanding childcare accessibility, and providing relief from regulations.”